We believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. We believe He is both fully man and fully God. Jesus has altered both the course of this vast world and the course of our personal lives. Everything we are and everything we do is because of Him.
Our Beliefs

We believe in the Bible as the infallible, unwavering word of God. We stand by the truth that has stood since the beginning of time. We don't just base our teaching on His word, we base our lives on it. We believe that if our words aren't His words, it's not worth saying.

We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit as an active agent in our lives. His presence has never ceased to be with us and neither have His gifts. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to every believer and allow us to walk in the very same power that defined the life of Jesus Christ while on earth.

Would you like know more about our beliefs? Read more here about our fundamental principles and practices.
Our Core Values
We seek to make worship a lifestyle, glorifying God in all we do!

We will give not only what is required by God's word, but ourselves as a form of worship.
Hold Nothing Back

We are committed to growing our relationship with Christ on a daily basis, different starting points, same destination.
Keep Moving Forward

We allow our relationship with God to flow into our relationship with others.
Do Life Together

We are dedicated to serving God by serving others.
Invest Your Life

Share Your Story
We are determined to take the message of Christ to others because they matter to God.